Tomcat Primefaces Forward to Login Page When Session Timeout Useing Javascript Updated FREE

Tomcat Primefaces Forward to Login Page When Session Timeout Useing Javascript

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Joined: 04/Mar/2011 03:32:32
Messages: 10
After a little more testing I've discovered that my fix works in Chrome and Firefox but non IE8 :-(

I'll post back when I get information technology working on IE.


Joined: 02/Mar/2011 nineteen:19:37
Messages: 16
Howdy guys,

The banit's solution fifty-fifty with your modification does non work for me.

Boolean newSession = (sessionMap == zippo) || (sessionMap.isEmpty()) && (! session.isNew());

timedout is always imitation!!erf!


Joined: 04/Mar/2011 03:32:32
Messages: ten
jbrice wrote:
Hi guys,

The banit'due south solution even with your modification does non work for me.

Boolean newSession = (sessionMap == goose egg) || (sessionMap.isEmpty()) && (! session.isNew());

timedout is ever false!!erf!

Howdy jbrice,

Did you change the following lines in Banits code


boolean postback = !ext.getRequestParameterMap().isEmpty();
boolean timedout = postback && newSession;


Boolean timeout = newSession;

In my debugging postback e'er came back as true and then I removed that line and (lazily) just gear up timedout to newsession rather than throwing abroad the timedout variable.

If you take already done that I'm afraid I'm not sure what is different between our cases (or our cases and Banits for that matter)

Not sure if it will help but I am running my app in ecplise Helios with Tomcat 7 as the server on a Windows 7 machine.


Joined: 14/Mar/2011 06:43:47
Messages: 4
I fabricated the changes to add together in the FilterSessionTimeout and when I test this with brusk timeout times (up to 30 mins) so I practice drop in here and the timedout variable shows true and I can handle the timeout myself.

However, when I set it dorsum upward to an hour timeout when I click on the app I get the following mistake message still:

[window] error [condition: emptyresponse code: 200]: an empty response was received from the server.

And the app is unresponsive. And so I'm however getting the same behaviour.'s a toughy.


Joined: 04/Mar/2011 03:32:32
Messages: 10
I've to make a lot of changes to get this working on ie8.

I've had to modify my PhaseListener to be a Filter every bit debugging showed that while the PhaseListener was triggered as expected by IE while the session was live, after the session expired it was never triggered in IE.

SessionTimeoutFilter now looks like this


                            package;    import;    import javax.faces.FacesException;  import javax.faces.application.Application;  import javax.faces.application.ViewHandler;  import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot;  import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;  import javax.servlet.Filter;  import javax.servlet.FilterChain;  import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;  import javax.servlet.ServletException;  import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;  import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;  import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;  import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;    public course SessionTimeoutFilter implements Filter{  	  	private FilterConfig fc;  	  	public void destroy() {  		  	}    	public void doFilter(ServletRequest asking, ServletResponse response,  			FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {  		  		  		HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest)request;  		HttpSession session = req.getSession(false);  		FaceContextBuilder fcb = new FaceContextBuilder();  		  		if(session == null){  			FacesContext context = fcb.getFacesContext(request, response);  			Application app = context.getApplication();  			ViewHandler viewHandler = app.getViewHandler();  			UIViewRoot view = viewHandler.createView(context, "/vendexpert-login/.xhtml" );  			context.setViewRoot(view);  			context.renderResponse();  			endeavor {  				viewHandler.renderView(context, view);  				context.responseComplete();  			} take hold of (Throwable t) {  				throw new FacesException("Session timed out", t);  			} finally {  				fcb.removeFacesContext();  			}  		}else{  			chain.doFilter(request,response);  		}  	}    	public void init(FilterConfig config) throws ServletException {  		fc = config;  	}  }                          

The code that allows me to access the FacesContext in a filter (FaceContextBuilder) comes from these links

The Builder class

An extension to the class to tidy up the context subsequently use
[url] call-facescontextrelease/

Afterward removing the PhaseListener config from Faces-Config.xml and calculation this Filter config to Web.xml


                            <filter>   	<filter-name>session</filter-proper noun>   	<filter-grade></filter-class>    </filter>      <filter-mapping>  	<filter-proper noun>session</filter-proper name>  	<url-pattern>*.xhtml</url-design>  	    </filter-mapping>                          

I had an result where only the kickoff of our filters ran after the session expired in IE, I'm not certain if this is a quirk of IE or an issue with our filters but I put the session filter outset in web.xml so that information technology is run first.

The click here to reload message box now appears in both Chrome and IE.

I have ran tests with this code with the session expiring after 1minute which was successful on Chrome and IE.

I take also ran a test on chrome where the session was set to expire later on threescore minutes which worked fine.


Joined: 02/Mar/2011 19:19:37
Messages: sixteen
I accept been struggling all day to notice a solution and similar y'all, I used Filter instead of Stage Listener form, but the redirecting with Code:
has not worked at all.
So the other way for redirecting is using the FacesContext objet, but I didn't know how, I could get the value without PhaseEvent.
Cheers to y'all, at present I have the answer, creating a new 1 with
FaceContextBuilder fcb = new FaceContextBuilder();

I'm gonna test your solution and hope it'southward gonna piece of work, I,m really tired of this bug!PFiouuuuuuuu!!


Joined: 02/Mar/2011 19:19:37
Letters: 16
In the console I have a
Missing window ID attribute. Asking map cleared prematurely.


UIViewRoot view = viewHandler.createView(context, "/login/newlogin.xhtml" );

What is the viewId paramter exactly? is information technology the path?
I'1000 using icefaces version 2, are you certain viewHandler works on this version?


Joined: 04/Mar/2011 03:32:32
Messages: 10
jbrice wrote:
In the console I accept a
Missing window ID attribute. Request map cleared prematurely.


UIViewRoot view = viewHandler.createView(context, "/login/newlogin.xhtml" );

What is the viewId paramter exactly? is it the path?
I'm using icefaces version 2, are you lot sure viewHandler works on this version?

When I left piece of work on Friday I left my app running in chrome and ie8 later on setting the session decease limit to exist 300 minutes.

First thing this morning I tried to navigate the app in these browsers both of which displayed a connexion lost button which redirected to our login page when I clicked on it.

So touch wood I think this is finally working for me.

I've checked the console I don't have any letters about a missing window attribute.

We are using Icefaces 2 as well with the Mojarra JSF 2.0 libraries.

Sadly the code you are referencing I took directly from Banitz's phase listener solution in a higher place and I'd be lying if I said I knew exactly what information technology does just I practise agree with yous that is the path to the page y'all want to become to if the session expires (This is certainly what I have gear up information technology to).

The only thing I can think of is in Banitzs original he escaped the . char in his path. I wasn't sure if this was intentional or some cut and paste issue but kept the escape in anyway. I doubt this will set your consequence only possibly worth a try if you are desperate.


Joined: 02/Mar/2011 19:19:37
Messages: sixteen
PFFF, now I'm drastic, I take tried on tomcat 6,seven, it does not work at all!
It's weird, why is information technology working for y'all simply non for me?
May the problem is leap-security !

Could y'all send a copy of your web.xml please?


Joined: 04/Mar/2011 03:32:32
Letters: ten
I've included our web.xml, nosotros are not using Spring in whatsoever way in this app and then that is ane difference.


                            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-viii"?>  <spider web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:web="http://coffee.lord's" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5">    <brandish-name>VendExpertTest</display-proper noun>    <welcome-file-list>      <welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file>      <welcome-file>index.htm</welcome-file>      <welcome-file>index.jsp</welcome-file>      <welcome-file>default.html</welcome-file>      <welcome-file>default.htm</welcome-file>      <welcome-file>default.jsp</welcome-file>    </welcome-file-list>    <servlet>      <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>      <servlet-class>javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet</servlet-course>      <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>    </servlet>    <servlet-mapping>      <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>      <url-pattern>/faces/*</url-pattern>      <url-design>/icefaces/*</url-pattern>      <url-pattern>*.jsf</url-blueprint>    </servlet-mapping>      <servlet>          <servlet-name>PDFServlet</servlet-proper noun>          <servlet-class>great</servlet-class>		      </servlet>          <servlet-mapping>          <servlet-name>PDFServlet</servlet-name>          <url-pattern>/PDFServlet/*</url-blueprint>                </servlet-mapping>                  <context-param>      <description>State saving method: 'customer' or 'server' (=default). Come across JSF Specification 2.5.two</clarification>      <param-name>javax.faces.STATE_SAVING_METHOD</param-name>      <param-value>server</param-value>    </context-param>    <context-param>      <param-name>javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt.localizationContext</param-name>      <param-value>resources.application</param-value>    </context-param>         <filter>   	<filter-proper noun>session</filter-name>   	<filter-class></filter-class>    </filter>      <filter-mapping>  	<filter-name>session</filter-name>  	<url-design>*.xhtml</url-pattern>  	    </filter-mapping>         <filter>   	<filter-name>restrict</filter-name>   	<filter-class></filter-course>   </filter>     <filter-mapping>  	<filter-proper name>restrict</filter-name>  	<url-pattern>*.xhtml</url-pattern>  	   </filter-mapping>        <listener>      <listener-grade>com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener</listener-class>    </listener>        <servlet>      <servlet-name>Resource Servlet</servlet-name>      <servlet-class>com.icesoft.faces.webapp.CompatResourceServlet</servlet-class>      <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>    </servlet>    <servlet-mapping>      <servlet-name>Resource Servlet</servlet-name>      <url-design>/xmlhttp/*</url-pattern>    </servlet-mapping>    <session-config>      <session-timeout>300</session-timeout>    </session-config>  </web-app>                          


Joined: 01/Oct/2009 00:00:00
Messages: 2
I have the same problem, whatsoever progress?

Thank you.


Joined: 01/Feb/2008 00:00:00
Messages: 42
The problem still exist?

Krashan Brahmanjara


Joined: xix/Aug/2012 23:12:xix
Messages: 14
I am facing the same result.
[i] session timeout
[ii] user exercise a activity.
[3] fault in firebug - empty respose from server
[4] UI hangs forever
[5] user hit F5
[six] redirect to login folio
[7] user input credential
[eight] redirect to a xml mistake folio
<fractional-response>  <fault>  <mistake-proper name>  class org.icefaces.awarding.SessionExpiredException  </error-proper noun>  <error-message>  <![CDATA[ Session has expired ]]>  </error-message>  </fault>  <changes>  <extension aceCallbackParam="validationFailed">{"validationFailed":fake}</extension>  </changes>  </fractional-response>

[9] user hitting refresh ..user redirect to a normal application

This employ to work fine in 1.viii... i am now trying it with 3.3
During the debuging i figured out ane major difference between one.8 and 3.iii

in 1.8 when session timeout and user do a action the response to this request is of the form:
response.status = 200
response.reponseXML = <sessionTimeOut><sessionTimeOut/>

where as in 3.iii when session timeout and user exercise a activity the response is:
reponse.status = 302 with response.header.location = login page
since status is 302 browser itself make a request for login folio.
To icefaces javascript code the response that it got looks like
response.reponseHTML=<HTML Code OF LOGIN Folio>

and in jsf.js the response handler but logs a error if reponseXML is null.

So thats why icefaces does not redirect or testify popup.

The to a higher place details is just my ascertainment and might help somebody to figure out the problem and solution.

I am using icefaces 3.3, glassfish 3.ane, spring three.0.1


Joined: 12/Feb/2019 07:17:23
Messages: ane
This issues notwithstanding exist.

Joined: 21/Apr/2016 02:41:12
Messages: ane
Hi All,

We recently migrated to the ICEFaces 3.3.0_P07 version from ICEFaces one.8 GA.

Our awarding is running with compatibility way and We are using the latest configuration which you using and the same consequence is persist.

ICEFaces needs to requite right solution for this without workaround.

Configuration :
<param-name>org.icefaces.lazyPush</param-proper name>
<param-proper noun>org.icefaces.strictSessionTimeout</param-name>
<param-proper name>org.icefaces.sessionTimeoutRedirectURI</param-name>
<param-proper noun>org.icefaces.sessionExpiredRedirectURI</param-name>

error showing in browser panel like below :
[icefaces] the response does not contain XML data
[icefaces] Error : [status: emptyResponse code:200]: An empty response was received from the server.


 Filename ICEPushTryingToRedirectOne.png [Disk] Download
 Filesize 98 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  3279 fourth dimension(s)

Tomcat Primefaces Forward to Login Page When Session Timeout Useing Javascript



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